* Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM
* and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t
* followed by module specific information.
typedef struct hw_module_t {
/** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */
uint32_t tag;
* The API version of the implemented module. The module owner is
* responsible for updating the version when a module interface has
* changed.
* The derived modules such as gralloc and audio own and manage this field.
* The module user must interpret the version field to decide whether or
* not to inter-operate with the supplied module implementation.
* For example, SurfaceFlinger is responsible for making sure that
* it knows how to manage different versions of the gralloc-module API,
* and AudioFlinger must know how to do the same for audio-module API.
* The module API version should include a major and a minor component.
* For example, version 1.0 could be represented as 0x0100. This format
* implies that versions 0x0100-0x01ff are all API-compatible.
* In the future, libhardware will expose a hw_get_module_version()
* (or equivalent) function that will take minimum/maximum supported
* versions as arguments and would be able to reject modules with
* versions outside of the supplied range.
uint16_t module_api_version;
#define version_major module_api_version
* version_major/version_minor defines are supplied here for temporary
* source code compatibility. They will be removed in the next version.
* ALL clients must convert to the new version format.
* The API version of the HAL module interface. This is meant to
* version the hw_module_t, hw_module_methods_t, and hw_device_t
* structures and definitions.
* The HAL interface owns this field. Module users/implementations
* must NOT rely on this value for version information.
* Presently, 0 is the only valid value.
uint16_t hal_api_version;
#define version_minor hal_api_version
/** Identifier of module */
const char *id;
/** Name of this module */
const char *name;
/** Author/owner/implementor of the module */
const char *author;
/** Modules methods */
struct hw_module_methods_t* methods;
/** module's dso */
void* dso;
#ifdef __LP64__
uint64_t reserved[32-7];
/** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */
uint32_t reserved[32-7];
} hw_module_t;
typedef struct hw_module_methods_t {
/** Open a specific device */
int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
struct hw_device_t** device);
} hw_module_methods_t;
* Every device data structure must begin with hw_device_t
* followed by module specific public methods and attributes.
typedef struct hw_device_t {
/** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG */
uint32_t tag;
* Version of the module-specific device API. This value is used by
* the derived-module user to manage different device implementations.
* The module user is responsible for checking the module_api_version
* and device version fields to ensure that the user is capable of
* communicating with the specific module implementation.
* One module can support multiple devices with different versions. This
* can be useful when a device interface changes in an incompatible way
* but it is still necessary to support older implementations at the same
* time. One such example is the Camera 2.0 API.
* This field is interpreted by the module user and is ignored by the
* HAL interface itself.
uint32_t version;
/** reference to the module this device belongs to */
struct hw_module_t* module;
/** padding reserved for future use */
#ifdef __LP64__
uint64_t reserved[12];
uint32_t reserved[12];
/** Close this device */
int (*close)(struct hw_device_t* device);
} hw_device_t;
注意最上面的注释,所有的 HAL 模块,可以有自己的结构体,但是结构体的第一个域,必须是 struct hw_module_t 而且实例化的那个结构体的名字也必须是 HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM 这里的作用很明显,首先必须得是这个结构体开头,其实就是一种 继承的关系,而名字必须是规定的,原因在于,动态加载的时候,找到了这个变量名字所在的地方,就知道了模块的全部信息,这俩者是相辅相成的。
public final class LedService extends ILedService.Stub {
public boolean setOn(int led);
public boolean setOff(int led);
咳咳,一个不专业的人员写的 Java 类 “声明” 方便大家看
但是这不是规范,我也不知道怎么解释其中的缺点,我个人拙见,是因为不好管理,如果每一个使用 led 的人都 new 一个对象,其实不能保证它们的并发访问的安全?底层的加载代码保证的是不同的线程只 dlopen 一次,即不同的线程都有 刚才 JNI 层里面提到的那个全局变量,但是相同的线程其实都在访问一个地址,所以我认为有点隐患。
public class LedSystemServer extends Service {
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;
public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
Log.i("LedSystemServer", "Start LedService...");
/* Please also see SystemServer.java for your interests. */
LedService ls = new LedService();
try {
ServiceManager.addService("led", ls);
// 添加了一个叫 led 的服务
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
Log.e("LedSystemServer", "Start LedService failed.");
public class LedManager
private static final String TAG = "LedManager";
private ILedService mLedService;
public LedManager() {
mLedService = ILedService.Stub.asInterface(
public boolean LedOn(int n) {
boolean result = false;
result = mLedService.setOn(n);
return result;
public boolean LedOff(int n) {
boolean result = false;
result = mLedService.setOff(n);
return result;
public class LedTest extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {
private LedManager mLedManager = null;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Start LedService in a seperated process.
startService(new Intent("com.mokoid.systemserver"));
Button btn = new Button(this);
btn.setText("Click to turn LED 1 On");
public void onClick(View v) {
// Get LedManager.
if (mLedManager == null) {
mLedManager = new LedManager();
/** Call methods in LedService via proxy object
* which is provided by LedManager.
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setText("LED 1 is On.");
看,底层做了这么多的事情,都是为了上层的便利呀 O(∩_∩)O
注意 3,4,5 这一层我们称之为(Framework)框架层,一切为了用户的层,而 HAL 和 内核就很容易辨识了。